




  1. People break down into two groups, motors and anchors. You always want to surround yourself by people who push you forward, not hold you down。世界上有兩種人,發(fā)動機和錨。你總是希望身邊的人可以推動你前進,而不是拖你的后腿。


  2. There are things in life that you can’t control. . .so don’t waste your time, energy or sanity on them. You can only control your reaction to them. . .so make your reaction worthy, smart and sane.2.生活中總有些事情是你控制不了的。所以不要浪費時間、精力或感情在你控制不了的事情上。你能控制的只有你對事情的反饋,因此你的反饋要有價值、有智慧、有道理。


  3. You have to work with your co-workers but you do not have to be best friends.3.你必須和同事一起工作,但你不必和他們成為好朋友。安陽人才網(wǎng)


  4. If you don’t build YOUR dream, someone will hire you to build THEIRS!4.如果你沒有夢想,那么你就會被別人招去完成他們的夢想。


  5. Before you put somebody in their place, put yourself in their place.5.在你讓別人做事情之前,先設(shè)身處地為他們想想。


  6. If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done.6.如果你想擁有自己從未有過的東西,那就必須愿意去完成從未做過的事情。


  7. I am the only one who places limitations on what I can do or on what I can become. Reach for the moon and you will catch a STAR! Never stop climbing!7.只有我才能為自己設(shè)限,告訴自己我能做什么,或者我能成為什么樣的人。不要停止攀登,你可以摘星攬月!www.ayrc.cc


  8. If you take care of the customer, the money will come. If you chase the money, the customer will run.8.如果你關(guān)心客戶,金錢自會滾滾來。如果你追逐金錢,客戶自會悄悄走。


  9. Don’t look back, we’re not going that way!9.別往后看,我們不走回頭路!


  10. Eleanor Roosevelt says that “You must do the thing you think you cannot do!10.羅斯福夫人說過,“你必須做你認為自己做不了的事!


